Thursday, May 27, 2010


Since Myspace seems to be going the way of the dinosaur, we've decided we couldn't put it off any longer.  Its time to move everything over here to a blog.  We didn't want to lose our archives here's some of our older posts:  TABLE READS at tha DGA

A few months ago we did a table reading in Tulsa.  Since lots of our potential cast members didn't really know what a Table Reading of a musical was, we put together this goofy lil video to explain how our table readings work.  The footage is from our LA reads.

NOTE: While "Roofless" does have lots of our brand of humor up in the mix...please don't get it twisted...ROOFLESS is NOT a zany comedy like this video is. And its def not a show for the wee kiddies.

BELOW: One of our talented casts of ROOFHEADZ - assembled in 07 for a table reading at the Director's Guild Building in Los Angeles. These are FAM! Very talented, working actors in Hollywood who have continually volunteered their time and skillz to bring the show to life for a table of top Industry critics...DEF tha toughest type of audience for an actor to play to, hahaha...tha maddest of props to you guys!! (to be fair our panels have not only warmly responded to our actors, they've commented on numerous occasions that they hear a lot of readings of new musicals and the "Roofless" casts always bring an unusual level of high energy, skills and dynamic commitment to the material. I mean, what can we say? lol. We're just attracted to young, highly skilled actors who act their hearts out! No wonder our readings seem to always be filled with lots of unexpected professionals who've dropped by to sit in for a few minutes. lol.
(L to R, skull by skull, not by row: Haran Jackson, Nick Huff (in back), Joe Holt, Julian Thomas, Tim, Nicole Butler, Cynthia Addai-Robinson, Sufe Bradshaw, Mike Fruga, Lij Kerai, Jerome.)

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